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How To Install A Shelby Furniture Murphy Bed

How To Install A Shelby Furniture Murphy Bed

If you’re looking to save space in your small apartment or bedroom, a murphy bed might be the solution. You can fit one into even the smallest room and slide it out of the way when you don’t need it. But installing one isn’t always simple and doing it wrong can lead to bed that sags, squeaks, or comes crashing down on top of you if you try to use it!

We’ll walk you through how to install a shelby furniture murphy bed so that your bed works properly and will last you many years of comfort and convenience.

Parts You Need

1) A Murphy Bed Frame.

2) A Mattress.

3) Box Spring or Platform.

4) Pillows and Sheets.

5) Blanket or Comforter.

6) Door Hanger that says Do Not Disturb (optional).

Understanding the Instructions

The Shelby Furniture Company offers a variety of Murphy bed  and installation kits. To understand how to install the Murphy bed, one needs to understand the instructions that come with the kit. The instructions are meant for those who have installed or assembled Murphy beds before, so they do not go into great detail about assembling pieces.

They offer basic descriptions of each step, which makes them more difficult for someone unfamiliar with Murphy bed assembly.

The lengthiest part is attaching all of the brackets and fasteners. Instructions will tell you which parts need screws, bolts, or washers, but you will need to figure out what goes where in terms of mounting it to studs in your wall.

Murphy Bed Instructions from Wall Mounts Unlimited should be helpful if you need detailed illustrations showing where the bolts go in relation to different types of wood framing as well as stud spacing distances between walls.

Tools You Need

A hammer, screwdriver, hex key wrench, and drill are the main tools needed for installing a Shelby Furniture Murphy Bed.

The first thing you need to do is measure the height of your mattress from the floor. If your mattress is higher than 18 inches, you will need to purchase an extension kit.

You will also need to determine which type of installation you want. Most people choose the wall mounted installation because it requires less work and provides more storage space in your bedroom than the floor mounted  installation does.

Step by Step Guides

  1. First, measure the height of your ceiling and find out if you need any specific tools like a stud finder or wire cutters.
  2. Next, get your murphy bed kit and assemble it in the room you plan on putting it in. Keep in mind that you will have to remove anything that is currently on the wall where you plan on installing your new bed. 3.

How to Install it Yourself

  1. Unbox your Shelby Furniture Murphy Bed, and make sure you have all the necessary hardware such as cam locks, washers, nuts, etc.
  2. Lay out the wooden slats from top to bottom on the floor of where you want your bed to go 3. Put up one of the side rails at the end of each row in between the horizontal slats 4. Put up one rail at each end of each row
  3. Now that all four side rails are up, lay them on top of each other in order
  4. Take your upper frame and lay it on top of the rails
  5. Bolts should be at 12 o’clock 8. Tighten bolts with a wrench until they are firmly tightened 9.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Murphy Bed? The Murphy Bed is a wall bed that folds down from the wall and then back up against the wall when not in use. It can be made in different sizes, shapes and styles. They can be installed with or without drawers on either side of the bed.

What are some advantages of having a Murphy Bed? One advantage is that it takes up very little space when it’s folded into its storage position. This makes it perfect for smaller apartments or bedrooms where you want to utilize every square inch of available space.


Installing a Shelby Murphy Bed is not difficult if you follow the instructions and use the proper tools. If you have any questions, please contact your local store or call 1-800-Shelby1. There are many benefits to installing this type of bed, one being that it can save space in your home. It’s also great for apartments because it can be installed right against the wall and looks sleek.