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See How to Keep Your Invisalign Trays Clean

See How to Keep Your Invisalign Trays Clean

The beauty of having Invisalign is in knowing that no one will know you’re wearing aligners! This discreetness and the comfort that comes with clear aligners make it a top choice among adults and children. But, do you know that the clear, crisp beauty of Invisalign can be hidden due to stains?

Failing to adopt routine dental hygiene and keeping the aligners clean will make them noticeable in a smile. Apart from aesthetics, oral hygiene is another major reason to ensure your trays stay spotless, bacteria-free, and bright.

Here in this guide, you’ll learn a number of relevant cleaning techniques. Keep reading.

Clean your aligners every morning

Do you know that while you sleep, bacteria are actively working on your teeth? This is true. And that is why we advise you to establish a morning hygiene routine by cleaning both your teeth and aligners once you wake up.

Get rid of those harmful bacteria by doing this also at night before bedtime.

Upon removal, rinse your clear trays

You’re to wear aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day. The free hours are for brushing, eating and drinking. It is important that after each meal (which is taken without the aligners), you rinse dried up saliva and plaque which may have formed on the trays off them.

Another good idea is to brush your teeth after eating before wearing your aligners again.

Daily soaking of aligners is good

While you may brush and clean your trays to remove bacteria and food particles, it’s essential you also soak them to take out stubborn particles that may be hiding. Invisalign cleaning crystals can be used to soak invisible braces in London – simply follow the instructions on the pack.

After soaking, brush your trays gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove plaque. Rinse the trays and wear them again after brushing your teeth.

Avoid eating or drinking while wearing clear trays

There is no “don’t eat” list of foods accompanying Invisalign. The rule is to remove your trays whenever you want to eat and avoid coloured foods and drinks to keep aligners stain-free.

Bear in mind that Invisalign is made from plastic and chewing pressure will damage them, and allow food particles to hang in there. This is another reason you shouldn’t eat with your trays on.

You can drink water while wearing the aligners.

Aligners in the open is a no-no

Bacteria can easily form on aligners left in the open. This is why you shouldn’t expose your trays to open air. If you go to eat in a restaurant, setting your trays down on the table can make you lose them.

Put your trays in an aligner case when you’re not using them. Should you mistakenly expose your trays to the atmosphere when you forget your case at home, don’t just wear the aligners; rinse them thoroughly before use.

How to properly clean your aligner trays

Here, you’ll see how best to scrub your trays. Invisalign crystals or home-made solutions can be used for cleaning.

  • Invisalign crystals

    This is the best cleaning agent for Invisalign. They are an excellent scrub with zero scratch and discolouration.

Completely dissolve a pack of cleaning crystals in a bowl containing warm water. Gently place the trays inside the solution and allow to soak for around 15 minutes. Remove them from the solution, scrub well, rinse, and pop them back in.

  • Hydrogen peroxide

    A low concentration of hydrogen peroxide is most suitable for removing stain from aligners. Mix hydrogen peroxide in warm water and soak your aligners in it for about 30 minutes. After soaking, brush the aligners to remove any remaining plaque, rinse again, and wear your trays.

  • Baking soda

    This substance though abrasive won’t damage your trays, but will get rid of bacteria including food particles and plaque stuck between the teeth.

Add one tablespoon of baking soda to a cup of warm water and stir well. Soak your trays in this solution for a minimum of 30 minutes before removing. Brush them carefully.

  • Distilled white vinegar

    Provided you’re using white vinegar; your aligners will get a deep clean. Other vinegar types will bring stain on the trays—Mix 3-part water to 1-part vinegar. Allow Invisalign to soak in the solution for 15 minutes during which the vinegar must have freed all the plaque. Scrub your aligners gently.

  • Antibacterial soap

    Use a clear antibacterial soap to clean your trays. The coloured type will stain the aligners. Scented soap isn’t suitable.

It’s either you rub the soap directly on the aligner and scrub, or you make a solution from antibacterial soap and water.

Ensure you rinse your soaked aligners very well before you wear them as antibacterial soap is not suitable for consumption.

In conclusion

An innovative and inconspicuous way to get your teeth straightened is with Invisalign. A clean set of trays will have an added benefit of ensuring the result is effected. Having poorly looked after trays will bring mouth odour, tooth stains and decay.

With the methods outlined above, you can be sure of fresh-looking trays with great smell. If you’re considering Invisalign clear braces London, schedule an appointment with us.

We have a highly qualified and well-trained orthodontist that will ensure you get the best care. On your part, stick to the rules while we guide you to achieve a better smile.