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When daylight saving time 2022 starts?

Summer time

During the winter we adopt solar time. However, as many will know, the transition to daylight saving time is scheduled for the end of March, with the consequent postponement of the hour of darkness.

Let’s see, below, all the information to not be left behind an hour.

Summer time change 2022 (ends winter time)

The night between Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th March 2022, we will again be called to modify our biorhythms, our relationship with sunrise and sunset. The time will have to be moved 60 minutes forward. You will therefore have to wake up an hour earlier … but it will get dark later in the evening!

It is said that this hourly shift forward favors playful outdoor activities and that it can also alter the balance of our biorhythm and the health of our body; at least in the early periods, then everything returns to normal.

On the night between Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th March all our watches will have to be moved from 2 to 3 (in 2023 it will happen on the weekend of 25-26 March). Some electronic devices, such as computers, change the time automatically.

History of Legal Time

The first who thought of the time change mechanism during the year, to save energy, was, in 1784, Benjamin Franklin (inventor of the lightning rod), but he was not taken very seriously. In 1907, the English William Willet revived the idea and in 1916 the British Summer Time started (one hour shift during the summer). Several countries later adopted the new mechanism (Source Wikipedia).

Curiosity: summer time in the rest of the world

Summer time in Australia goes backwards: from October to March; in Brazil from November to February.

In Africa and Asia, this rule of time change (solar-legal) is not widely followed.

In the former USSR it is adopted in several states, but not in all.

In Japan, no solar-legal mechanism; an attempt is made to meet the needs of farmers.

Daylight saving time abolished in Fiji (since 2000) and in Mongolia (since 2002).

If, on the other hand, you are looking for news on solar time, scheduled for autumn, we recommend that you read this article Solar time will return in October (where you will find all the information).

Below you will find all the opinions received by our editorial staff and relating to the topic “Summer time and solar time”. A set of thoughts, opinions and proposals that seems to divide the population into two main strands: who is against and who is in favor. A nice concentration of public opinion, based on a sample of over 600 thousand people (many are in fact those who have read our texts on the subject of “time change”).

Obviously there is something for all tastes, as it should be in a free and democratic society where everyone expresses their opinions. There are those who agree on the benefits that derive from the change now, while those who would abolish both summer and winter time. Those who complain that they have to get up earlier and those who are happy to have an extra hour of light in the evening to play with their children. In short, summer time is a theme that creates differences, most of the time motivated by different personal needs. Let’s read them then, starting from the transition to summer time and then to the messages relating to solar time.