Cost & Rates

What’s the Cost of Installing a Level 2 Charger at Home?

What's the Cost of Installing a Level 2 Charger at Home?

When it comes to the cost of charging an electric car, people are often surprised by the answer when they ask How much does it cost of installing level 2 charger at home? Considering how long it takes to charge an electric vehicle, this seems like a reasonable question. However, most people don’t realise how simple it actually is, and they find that they can save themselves thousands of dollars by doing the job themselves. That’s why we decided to create this guide on how much it costs to install a level 2 charger at home.

The initial investment

-Installation costs between $1,200 and $2,000.

-Utility costs are an additional monthly fee on top of installation fees. -In some states, you can be eligible for government rebates for installation.

-You will need to purchase an electric vehicle (EV) if you don’t already own one. -A level 2 charger can take hours to charge your car battery, so plan to use it during off-peak hours when electricity is cheaper and less in demand.

The installation process

The costs of installing a level 2 charger in your home will depend on many factors. The type and size of your home, for example, will determine how much wiring you’ll need and what kind of equipment you’ll need to purchase. Your electric company may also charge you an installation fee if you’re having them do the work for you. It is difficult to say exactly how much it would cost without first doing some research into your options, but if you have average-sized home with standard wiring, installing a level 2 charger could cost anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000.

The ongoing costs

A level 2 charger, also known as level 2 EV charger, is an electric vehicle charging station that provides 240 volts. They are less expensive than a level 3 charger, which delivers 480 volts and charges an electric vehicle much more quickly. The initial cost of installing a level 2 charger can vary depending on where you live and your home’s electrical wiring. The following table summarizes some typical costs: 

Typical Costs for Level-2 EV Chargers 

Installations can vary in price depending on where you live and your home’s electrical wiring. Typically, installation costs range from $500 to $5,000 with most being around $1,500 to $3,000.

The benefits

A level 2 charger can charge your electric car about four times faster than a level 1 charger. A home charging station will also be much more convenient and cost-effective than depending on public charging stations. If you plan to drive long distances, then installing a level 2 charger will save you money in gas as well as reduce your environmental footprint. 

The costs vary from state to state, but the average cost for installing a home charging station is $1,000-$3,000. That may seem high when first looking at it and it is difficult for most people to afford this cost upfront.

Potential savings

The average American spends $2,700 each year on gasoline. This means they spend over $500 per month. If you install a level 2 charger in your home, you can charge your electric car for just pennies per charge. That means instead of spending $500 per month on gas, you’ll only be spending pennies! Plus, if you currently have solar panels installed on your house and use that energy to charge your car, you’ll never have to buy gas again! And if you live in an apartment or condo building and don’t have solar panels installed but are allowed to install them, installing a level 2 charger will allow you to use other people’s electricity and still never have to buy gas again!