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train your brain and get it in shape, do these exercises!



Just as you train your body, you should train your brain. And it is that although we do not always give it the attention it deserves, the brain is one more muscle of our body that needs you to work on it to preserve its health. If you don’t do exercises to activate it, it can atrophy, settle down and lose capabilities. So, just as you strive to keep your body fit, if you want a young brain, improve your memory, concentration, imagination and creativity, and achieve healthy aging, you have to start practicing these activities.

Fit brain

It is training plan or brain gymnastics also known as neurotic. As Herb life Nutrition tells us, all these activities are focused on improving and stimulating the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain, allowing an increase in neuronal activity. They are simple exercises that you can practice daily that will help you have more memory, attention, concentration and greater cognitive abilities. Take note!

The foods your brain needs to improve memory

Your brain needs action or else it relaxes. Every time you learn something new, when you move the furniture in your house or give your home a new look, when you change the route to go to work, change the wristwatch, try to operate the mouse with the other hand or If you use the opposite to brush your teeth, you are forcing your brain to work and make an effort, that is, to stay active.

We are so used to using new technologies and keyboards that we do very little by hand, something that is necessary for your brain to stay in shape. Therefore, writing by hand is another of the fundamental exercises that you should start doing to preserve a good memory and stop cognitive deterioration. You can write a diary, something that will also help you connect with your emotions, for example.

All the reasons why you should keep a diary

They are perfect for a fit brain. This is because the activities that you are used to, for example, your work or housework or, of course, watching TV, do not put too much effort on your brain. But if you challenge it, you will increase performance, coordination, concentration and memory. Exercises such as Sudoku, find the differences, Riddles, mental calculation, etc., are the activities that your brain needs to create new neural connections.

A study carried out by Peruvian researchers, in which the Completeness University of Madrid participated; found that people who read little show lower general cognitive performance. Also, they have less processing speed, imagination, attention, etc. It is clear that reading is a very complete activity and a healthy habit, since it not only improves abstract thinking, but also the functioning and cognitive reserve of the brain, that is, the ability to maintain brain activities over time.

The prestigious neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta, author of the book ‘Stay alert: build a better brain at any age’, points out that connecting with others are another of the fundamental exercises to maintain the health of this organ. He assures that one of the secrets of happy people is to have good social relationships and that this helps increase the ability to adapt and slows cognitive decline.

Healthy and balanced diet

Diet has a direct impact on brain health, according to Herb life Nutrition experts. For this reason, it is important not only to avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, which contribute to premature aging, but also to eat a healthy and balanced diet that allows us to keep the brain young and prevent cognitive deterioration. Fruits, vegetables, and fish provide the nutritional benefits necessary to keep the brain at peak performance and prevent cognitive decline.

Do exercise

For Dr. Gupta, both aerobic and strength training maintain good brain health. He recommends activities such as walking, cycling, running outdoors, etc., and changing routes and terrain, or discovering new activities that make our brains work, for example, dancing, horse riding, etc.


It is essential for the health of your brain. While you sleep, your brain works to remove the day’s ‘junk’ and fix memories. Without rest, your brain ages, deteriorates. Therefore, it is very important to try to sleep at least 7 hours for proper brain health. Experts recommend keeping a schedule to get up and go to bed at the same time every day, avoid long naps that go beyond half an hour and do not use electronic devices before bed. To compensate, you can take short naps if you haven’t gotten enough sleep.