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Tips to Use a Dab Rig in Canada & Enjoy Smoking Concentrate

Dab Rig

Dab rigs are a kind of water pipe for smoking cannabis oils and cannabis concentrates. Once you understand the basics of a dab rig in Canada, you can take measures to make your experience more amazing. We are going to share some handy tips in this post with you to help you enjoy dabbing more. Without further ado, let us jump into our dabbing tips for smoking oils or concentrates in a more enjoyable way:

Always Use Gloves for Dabbing:

We shall remind you of the fact that concentrate oils are slimy. Plus, touching cannabis oils with bare hands may transfer bacteria from your skin to the oil. It can contaminate your cannabis oil or dilute it, which you won’t like to happen. Therefore, always wear gloves when you feel ready to smoke cannabis oil to ensure your concentrate remains contaminant-free. 

Make Sure You Use a Dedicate Dab Rig for Dabbing:

When you use an attachment for a water pipe to smoke cannabis concentrates, the water can taint the original flavour. It may happen because of the residue that your water pipe may contain from the dry herbs you smoke. You can deal with this issue if you have a dedicated dab rig for dabbing and enjoy the full flavour. Besides, you can buy a dab rig from an online head shop, such as Shop Rite

Turn down the Heat:

If you know someone who had a bad dabbing experience, there is a reason it happened. Someone you know had experienced an unpleasant taste or chest discomfort with dabbing. It happened because the person had dabbed at a too high temperature. It is important to let your dab nail cool after the heating process. Because concentrates can combust with a too hot nail and result in a very inconvenient inhalation process. High temperatures can also eliminate the compounds which produce the smell and flavour you pay for. You can avoid such inconvenience while allowing your nail or banger to cool after heating it. 

Use a Carb Cap:

A carb cap is a carburettor for a dab rig which restricts the amount of airflow to your nail. It also aids dabbers in collecting the last of their oil to accentuate the end of their hit. If you cover your nail with a carb cap, you can restrict the airflow into your dab rig under low pressure and lower the boiling temperature of your oil. It will also help you enjoy a bloom of thicker and better flavour when you smoke the concentrate. 

Use a Quartz Nail or Banger:

You should consider using a quartz banger or nail to get the best taste from a dab rig in Canada. Quartz banger or nail provides an intensely clean and pure taste of the concentrates. Therefore, you should give them a try. 

In addition, quartz bangers and nails are more durable than glass nails. Besides, a banger extends from a dab rig to protect it from the heat of a torch and prevent possible cracks.

Clean a Dab Rig Frequently for the Best Experience:

To get the most potent hits out of your dab rig, you should frequently clean your dab rig. The more often you clean a dab rig, the easier the process will become for you to clean it. Besides, a squeaky clean dab rig will ensure you the best experience with a dab rig. You can taste your cannabis concentrates better without the lingering taste of old concentrates if you clean the rig.

Upgrade Your Dab Rig:

The easiest way to make your dabbing experience more amazing is to upgrade your rig. You may invest in a dab rig with a percolator to take your dabbing experience to the next level. A percolator is a sub-chamber that allows the smoke which creates with dabbing to interact with water. Eventually, it results in lowering the temperature. As a result, smokers experience cooler and smoother hits from their dab rigs with a percolator.

These are some handy tips for first-time dabbers or inexperienced dabbers to keep in mind and implement to make their dabbing experience more pleasant than ever.


Dab rigs are a popular choice for smoking oils and concentrate. Besides, you can make your dabbing experience more pleasant with a dab rig in Canada if you implement the following tips for dabbing:

  1. Always Use Gloves for Dabbing
  2. Make Sure You Use a Dedicate Dab Rig for Dabbing
  3. Turn down the Heat
  4. Use a Carb Cap
  5. Use a Quartz Nail or Banger
  6. Clean a Dab Rig Frequently for the Best Experience
  7. Upgrade Your Dab Rig

These are some great tips for first-time dabbers or inexperienced dabbers. Further, you should also consider buying a high-quality dab rig for dabbing from a smoke shop to enjoy dabbing further.