
15 The Benefits of Bathing for Physical and Mental Health

lifeguard training

Swimming for physical and mental health is a lot for women, children, men and parents with lifeguard training near me.

Swimming is without a doubt one of the most practiced sports in the world, with only 43 million practitioners in the United States.

In addition, it is a fun activity, it has positive effects on overall health, recovery and helps to lose weight. On the other hand, almost all Latin American countries and Spain have a coastline, so you can also practice at sea.

Its benefits are: weight loss, muscle growth, overall health improvement, cellulite reduction, baby health improvement during pregnancy.

The great health benefits of bathing

1-Reduces stress and depression

First, any physical exercise releases endorphins, hormones that produce a sense of well-being.

Another study of 100 American swimmers found that novice and intermediate swimmers felt less excitement, anger, confusion, or depression than before this sport.

2-Improves heart and breathing function

Swimming improves the body’s resistance. Improves the efficiency of oxygen consumption by up to 10% and increases the heart’s ability to raise blood to 18%.

Strengthens the heart and lungs Breathing in water increases the efficiency of blood oxidation and transplantation.

3-Improve flexibility

Unlike bodybuilding equipment, which uses only some parts of the body, swimming does much of the body’s work, helping the joints stay flexible.

To improve flexibility, it is recommended to do a soft stretch at the end of the workout.

4-It does not affect the joints

During bathing, the joints do not suffer from suffering from other sports such as tennis or running. In fact, this sport is recommended to treat arthritis for this reason.

5-It can be practiced throughout life

Because swimming has no effect, it can be practiced throughout life. In fact, there are people over the age of 90 who practice it.

6-Reduces cholesterol

In order to keep you healthy, it is good for your body to have good high cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL).

Swimming can balance these levels for the benefits of aerobic exercise, which lowers HDL levels.

7 – Improve your intelligence

An Australian study compared a group of children who practiced swimming and who were not.

The results showed that the children who practiced it had more developed language skills, better motor skills, more confidence and more physical development.

On the other hand, it has been shown that babies who have lived in the first two years of life develop a greater understanding of the world that surrounds them from what they are already learning to be more creative and attentive. Water stimulates a child’s ability to play and this fact has a very positive effect on future learning.

8-Improves asthma symptoms

Bathing indoors is that it can be practiced in a humid environment, which can help reduce asthma symptoms.

In fact, some studies have shown that swimming can improve the overall condition of asthma (snoring, mouth breathing, small doctor visits).

In any case, it benefits everyone because it increases lung capacity.

9-Reduces the risk of diabetes

One study found that the risk of diabetes was reduced by 6% while bathing. In just 30 minutes, three times a week, the risk of type 2 diabetes is reduced by 10%.

On the other hand, if you already have type 1 diabetes, aerobic exercise can be helpful because it increases insulin sensitivity.

10 – Increase muscle mass throughout the body

After 8 months of bathing, muscle mass can be increased by up to 23%.

11-Improves sleep

According to a 2013 U.S. survey, people who exercise, like swimming, are twice as likely to say they have slept well every night or almost every night.

They are also unlikely to report sleep disorders.

12-burn calories (keep weight)

When you swim, you burn 500 to 600 calories per hour, depending on your intensity and physical condition.

Riding and doing an elliptical bike burns something more, even though they are very close: swimming burns 11% fewer calories than running and 3% fewer calories than cycling.

13 – More years

Researchers at the University of North Carolina found that those who swam had a 50% lower mortality rate than those who practiced on a regular basis or did not. The study was performed on 40,547 men aged 20 to 90 years for 32 years.

14 effects on babies

It has several benefits for babies:

  • Psychomotor development.
  • Help your baby relax.
  • Develops vital coping skills.
  • Improving the heart and respiratory system.
  • Help your baby feel safer.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Increases IQ value.
  • Improves and strengthens the affective and cognitive relationships between baby and mother.
  • Begins socializing without trauma in a playful and recreational environment.

15- It allows you to drive better / practice

Increasing the ability to absorb and use oxygen effectively for swimming increases resistance.

In a 2013 study in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, swimmers who followed controlled breathing techniques improved their endurance by 6 percent after just 12 swimming sessions.

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