
QuickBooks Switch to Multi-User Mode Greyed Out| An Easy Fix

QuickBooks Switch to Multi-User Mode Greyed Out

Sometimes when using QuickBooks in multi-user mode, the option to switch QuickBooks to multi-user mode greys out. This is one of several standard errors that one might encounter while using multi-user mode. This article covers some reasons behind and some troubleshooting methods for issues with using QuickBooks Desktop in multi-user mode.

If you want professional help when trying to solve this issue, you can reach out to our team of experts at 1-855-948-3646.

Possible Reasons behind QuickBooks Desktop Switch to Multi-User Mode Greyed Out

While one can resolve an error without knowing the reasons behind it, it is best to take a moment to understand what caused the error to occur. This helps a user to avoid repeating their mistakes in the future and thus reduces the chances of the error re-occurring. Here are a few reasons why QuickBooks Switch to Multi-User Mode Greyed Out occurs-

  1. The hosting settings are not properly configured.
  2. Firewall settings are preventing communication between user computers.
  3. Windows file permissions are not properly set.
  4. The database server cannot open the company file.
  5. QuickBooks has not been installed properly on the server.

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Troubleshooting QuickBooks Desktop Switch to Multi-User Mode Greyed Out

This section of the article covers some troubleshooting methods for this error. We recommend that each step is followed precisely, lest the user encounters other errors that led to a loss of time and data.

Solution One- You should check the folder permissions on your server computer

Checking the folder permissions on the server computer allows one to ensure that the folder hosting the company files is on their server. If not, one must change the permissions to make sure that the folder hosting the company files and such is on their server. Here are the steps on how to check the folder permissions on your server computer-

  1. Begin by verifying that permissions are set correctly using the following steps-
    1. You should open File Explorer.
    2. Next, you should right-click the folder that contains the company file.
    3. Then you should select Properties.
    4. On the Security tab, you should select Advanced.
    5. Next, choose QBDataServiceUserXX and select Edit.
    6. Ensure that the following settings are set to Allowed:
      1. Traverse Folder/Execute File
      2. List Folder/Read Data
      3. Read Attributes
      4. Read Extended Attributes
      5. Create Files/Write Data
      6. Create Folders/Append Data
      7. Write Attributes
      8. Write Extended Attributes
      9. Read Permissions

If you find that your permissions aren’t set correctly, you can change them using the following steps-

  1. Begin by right-clicking on the folder that contains the company file and selecting Properties.
  2. Next, you should select Security, then Edit.
  3. Select QBDataServiceUserXX and then choose Full Control.
  4. Next click on Allow.
  5. Finally, you have to choose Apply, followed by OK.

If the error still occurs, you can try to check if the QuickBooks Server Manager is installed on your computer. However, that is an advanced troubleshooting procedure and you might want professional help while attempting it. To avail yourself of professional help to get rid of “QuickBooks Switch to Multi-User Mode Greyed Out” issue, you can contact our team at 1-855-948-3646.

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